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komentarze do medytacji

Kreatywne medytacje – w budowie – TEST

Build A Routine Wskazówka 1 Our suggestion is to meditate for 5-10 minutes at the start of the day and again at the end of the day. But you may find it easier to start small and gradually build it up. When and how long you meditate, doesn’t have to be the same every day. The key is to meditate every day, so, develop a routine that works for you.     Take a ...
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Medytacje praktyczne – w budowie – TEST

Connect And Recharge Wskazówka For many people meditation is more than relaxation. Meditation is a time to connect with the Source, a Divine Energy, God or the Universe. If this is something you want to explore and experience, then visualise plugging into the Source to top up with energy and vitality. This connection recharges your whole being and also strengthens your resilience and wi...
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